On 18 April, we had the opportunity to welcome representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee at the Geological Survey of Belgium in Brussels for an exclusive ‘behind the scenes’ visit of the ROBOMINERS technology development.
Coordinator Claudio Rossi provided a general overview of our project and partners from the Geological Survey of Belgium and the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid led us to the lab for a series of demos and hands-on experiments.
Participants had the chance to:
- Learn why ROBOMINERS opens up the possibility to exploit any remaining mineral resources irrespective of the size and geometry of the deposit
- Discover how our technology solution can address many of the environmental concerns that are associated with conventional mining
- Take part in geophysical experiments and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) mapping analysis to get a hands-on experience of our research
It was fascinating to see the interest our project is sparking in light of the Critical Raw Materials Act!