Tallinna Tehnikaulikool (TalTech)
Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) is the mid-sized public university of technology and a leading provider of technology education in Estonia.
The contribution to ROBOMINERS project is give though its Centre for Biorobotics (http://www.biorobotics.ttu.ee). The research focuses on developing bio-inspired underwater robots, sensing systems for underwater sensing, experimental fluid dynamics and marine sensor networks. It has coordinated and participated in many international projects on related topics. Our most important research results are developing the robot with a lateral line sensing and its control with respect to the flow, development of a bio-inspired underwater robot U-CAT and demonstrating its exploitation in real-world scenarios in confined underwater spaces with low visibility, development of sensor systems for measuring and analysing complex natural flows. The team consists of 10 - 15 people with a mixed background in mechatronics engineering, computer engineering, robotics and experimental fluid dynamics and with a field work experience in challenging conditions.