The UNEXMIN project has very close links with ROBOMINERS as both projects gather specialists in the mineral raw materials and the robotics sector with a view to reducing the EU’s dependence on imported critical minerals.

The target of the Horizon 2020-funded UNEXMIN project was to develop an autonomous and multi-platform Robotic Explorer with tools for the exploration and 3D mapping of the thousands of historic and now flooded deep mines that pepper Europe and which are today inaccessible and closed.

The project organised its final conference on 26 September 2019 in Brussels and gathered nearly 80 participants from across Europe. The event offered the unique opportunity to present the project’s main deliverables, while showcasing the UX-1 robot at Nemo 33, Europe’s deepest diving pool.

ROBOMINERS coordinator Claudio Rossi presented the project to the audience which comprised policymakers from the European Commission’s DG GROW and EASME, academics from various European research institutions, representatives from mineral exploration and exploitation companies and robotics and ICT experts.


More information:

Powerpoint presentation about ROBOMINERS

UNEXMIN final conference